2018 Jefferson Ferry Street Boat Ramp Project
In 2017, Mid-Valley Chapter and the City of Jefferson entered into a cooperative agreement to obtain grant funds to refurbish the existing deteriorating boat ramp. The grant was applied for at the end of 2017 with funding to be available during low water in 2018. August 2018, ODFW R&E provided the funding. City of Jefferson provided the removal and disposal of the existing concrete and provided the base rock and packing necessary to place cement for the new ramp. During August, ANWS volunteers provided labor to install forms and rebar, then placed and finished the cement with the aid of a pumper truck. The document to the right provides a description of the process, the pictures below show the steps taken over the few days that work was performed at the site. The grant covered the ramp, the City requested help and provided funds to install the stairs to make the port-a-potty easier to access.
Jefferson Ferry Street Ramp Project

Existing degraded ramp –early 2017

Existing degraded ramp –early 2018

Prior ANWS Project Plaque at the Site from 1976

Existing degraded ramp –early 2017