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Every year our club sponsors multiple event that members can participate in. Don't be shy about attending or volunteering...thats what makes our group so amazing. Events include:
Monthly Meetings (except July and August)
Board Meetings (every month)
Scout Lock-in teaching casting (January)
Sportsman's Show at the Expo promoting our club (February)
Hatchery Fish Spawning at Roaring River, Foster, Alsea, and Siletz–seasonal according to the fish (Fall and Winter)
Hatchery Fin Clipping (Winter)
River/Lake/Trail Clean-ups Earthday, MVC, ODFW, and SOLVE (March and various Summer dates)
Angler Access Projects (see projects tab for examples)
Wounded Warrior Events at Foster and Greenpeter Lakes (April and June)
Local Parades in Albany, Lebanon, and Sweet Home (June, July, and November)
Eggs to Fry ODFW in-schoolroom hatchery program (October eggs, December fry release, January tank setup)
Scout Fishing Derby Timberlinn Lake (April)
Free Fishing Day supporting ODFW to teach kids fishing (June, November, December)
Grade school fishing supporting ODFW to teach kids fishing (June)
Assembling Bear Bait for ODFW tagging bears (Fall)
Assembling ODFW Fish Traps and box traps to support collecting fish statistics (various)
Club Fishing Derbies (4-seasons)
Alsea ODFW Steelhead Broodstock Survey (Fall/Winter)
Greenpeter ODFW Kokanee Spawn Survey (Fall/Winter)
Calapooia ODFW Steelhead Counts (Fall/Winter)
Line Lure Collection Tubes (various parks year round)
Fly Tying Training (on request)
River Habitat Restoration at Wiley and 5-Rivers (Summer)
ANWS Fund Raisers–Drift Boat and Fishing Trip (October-March)
Chapter Picnic (August)
Chapter Banquet and Officer Installation (April)
Association Banquet and Award (November)
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